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NTC热敏电阻器 环氧

2020/2/7 19:23:04发布228次查看
ntc thermistor is a negative temperature coefficient component which its resistance will be decreased along with the increasing temperature. it is for temperature detection and control of household appliances and so on. 
they are made from semiconducting materials that usually consists of a sintered ceramic fabricated in a variety of shapes and sizes from a mixture of oxides chosen from the elements mn, nj, co, cu and fe. by varying the composition and the size of the semiconducting elements, resistance values between 100 and 106ohms at room temperature can be achieved. 
the fields of ntc thermistor applications are temperature sensing either for the purpose of temperature measurement, temperature control, thermal alarms or for the compensation of changes in circuit resistance brought about by variations in the ambient temperature. 
    parameters definiton
zero-power resistance(rt)the zero-power resistance is the direct current resistance value of a thermistor measured at a specified temperature(t)with a power dissipation by the thermistor low enough that any further decrease in power will result in less than0.1 percent change in resistance
material constant(b)the thermal constant of a ntc thermistor is a measure of its resisrance at one temperature compared to its resistance at a different temperature it value may be calculated by the formula shown blow and is expressed in degrees kelvin the reference temperature used in this formula for determining material          
  b=ln(r1/ r2)/(1/t1-1/t2)
thermal time constantthe thermal time constant is the time required for a thermistor to change63.2 percent of total diference between its initial and final body temperature when subjected to a step function change in ambient temperature under zero-power condition and is normally expressed in second.
thermal dissipation coefficientthe thermal dissipation coefficient is the ratio ,normally expressed in milliwatts per degree c(mw/℃),
at a specified ambient temperature, of a change in power dissipation in a thermistor to the resultant body temperature change
maximum steady-state current(imax)the maximum steady-state current is the rating of the maximum current ,normally expressed in amperes(a), allowable to be conducted by an inrush limiting ntcthermistor for an extended period of time.



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