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2020/2/3 12:45:20发布191次查看
251.let down 辜负,使失望(熟义:放下来)
he said he would be here by 12o'clock, but he let us down.
252.let out 泄露(机密);发出(声);出租(熟义:让出去)
i'll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.如果你把这个秘密说出去了,我再也不告诉你第二个秘密了。
253.liberal adj.慷慨的,丰盛的(熟义:开明的,自由的)
he is liberal with his money.他用钱大方。
my father gave a liberal amount of money each week.我老爸每周都要给我一大笔钱
254. library  熟义:n. 图书馆
pro. lin has a large library of books. n.收藏,收藏量
255.life n.活力,劲头(熟义:生活)
the children are full of life.这些孩子们充满了活力。
256.not on your life 无论如何也不(勿望文生义)
“do you appreciate it?”“not on your life.”你喜欢它吗?一点也不喜欢。
257.can't for the life of me 即使要我的命也不能(勿望文生义)
i can't for the life of me see why you are so annoyed.我无论如何也不明白你为什么这么生气。
258.lift (熟义:电梯)
can you give me a lift to the station? n.搭便车
his report gave us a great lift.n. 鼓舞
259.lift v.消散(熟义:举起)
jan's depression seemed to be lifting at last.吉安总算没有失望的情绪了。
260. light 熟义:n. 光亮
it's beginning to get light. adj. 有光亮的,明亮的,充满自然光的
261. lively  熟义:adj. 生动活泼的
the room is lively with children singing and dancing. adj. 生气勃勃的    
262. lose 熟义:v. 失去,丢失
please hurry! my watch loses 10 minutes. vi.钟表慢(与gain 快)相对
263. lot 熟义:量,批
it is difficult for us to find a parking lot outside some shopping centres. n.作某种用途的场地
264.in a…light  以……目光,对……有……看法(勿望文生义)
there was brian,pushing the pram,and i suddenly saw him in a new light.那就是布莱恩,推着童车,突然间我对他有了新的认识。
265.see the light一下子明白,开窍;问世(勿望文生义)
he explained his reason and then i saw the light.他解释原因后,我一下子就明白了。
266. light  adj.轻浮的,灵巧的 v.开朗起来(熟义:adj.亮的,浅色的,轻的;v.燃)
a smile lit up her face.她脸上露出了喜悦的笑容。
267.list v. 入 (熟义:n.清单)     
mother listed the items she wanted to buy.妈妈开出了购物清单。
268.live through 经历(而活下来)    (勿望文生义)     
he lived through the 1961 famine.他经历了1961年的饥荒。
269.live up to 使行为和…相符  
the wto can not live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.如果wto不包括一个占世界人口五分之一的国家,那就名不副实。
270.live with 接受(某局面,事实等)  
you must live with the fact that you are no longer as active as you were .
271.lock 挽在一起,互相揪/扭在一起(熟义:锁)     
they were locked in each other's arms.他们抱成一团。
272.in the long run 长远来说, 最后(勿望文生义     
it is difficult to save money now, but it is worth it in the long run. 现在存钱很困难,但从长远来讲是值得的。
273.as/so long as 只要( 熟义:与……一样长)    
you can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.只要是呆在后院,你就可以出去玩。
274.long  v.渴望(熟义:长,久 )    
he longd to read the novel by qiong yao.他极想读琼瑶的小说。
275.look up 看望,拜访;好转,改善(熟义:向上看,查阅)     
look me up next time you are in beiing.下次到北京时,来看我。
276.look up to 尊敬(勿望文生义)     
school boys usually look up to football players.学生通常都很崇拜足球运动员。
277.look n. 表情,外貌, 美貌(熟义:看     
she kept her looks even in her old age. 即使上了年纪,她仍然风韵犹存。
278.be lost 不知如何是好(熟义:被丢失     
he is lost without his wife.没有妻子在,他就茫然不知所措。
279.be lost in =lose oneself in 聚精会神于,迷上,陷入(熟义:消在…中) he is lost in thought/the book. 他陷入沉思/他聚精会神地啃那本书。
280. marry 熟义:v. 结婚,与某人结婚
this poem marries theme and style well. v. 使紧密结合,使混为一体
281. be mad about 特别喜欢(勿望文生义)     
some girls are mad about going to dances.有些女孩特别喜欢跳舞。
282. major n.主修课,主修…的学生, v.主修(熟义: adj. 主要的,重大的)   i majored in english.我主修英语。
283. make 成为,等于,搭上(车,船) 赶上(会议等),到达,走了(路程)(熟义: 成;使 )    
she will make a good wife and mother.她将成为贤妻良母。
we at last made the party because we made the station on time and made the train.因为我们按时到达了车站,赶上了火车,所以我们最终赶上了这次晚会。
284. make a difference有关系,有影响(勿望文生义     
it does not make a bit of difference if you are late for my party.如果参加我的晚会来迟到了,没有一点关系。
285. make a hit 很成功,很受欢迎(勿望文生义)     
alice was so happy that her boy friend made a hit with her parents.艾丽斯很高兴,因为男朋友很受父母亲的喜爱。
286. make believe 假装(勿望文生义)     
the little girl made believe she was a princess.这小女孩假装她是公主。
287. make do with凑合用(吃) (勿望文生义)    
he did not have a hammer, and he had to make do with a heavy rock.他没有锤子,只好用一块石头凑合着用。
288. make good 实现(诺言),赔偿,改过自新,有出息 (勿望文生义)    
all the damage has been made good.所有损失都已赔偿。
289.make it 按时到达某地;成功(勿望文生义)     
you can make it if you hurry.如果赶快点,你会按时到达的。
290.make of 对……有看法 (熟义:由……制成)     
what do you make of what he said?你对他的话有什么看法?
291. make out 理解,看出,进展,装出(熟义:开出等)     
i can not make out his ideas.我不明白他的意思。
how are you making out with mary?你与玛丽相处得如何?
he made out that he had not done it.他装出他没做此事的样子。
292.make up 和解,构成,弥补 (熟义:编造)     
they quarreled, but made up after a while.他们吵了架,但不久就言归于好了。
we must make up the work we missed.我们必须把没有做的工作补回来。
farmers make up 80 percent of the population of china.农民占中国人口的80%。(用被动时加of )    
293. make up one's mind 断言(熟义:决定,下决心     
he made up his mind that the people had to leave because they had cut down all
the trees.他断言,那些人因为砍光了树木而必须得离开。
294.mass (复数) 群众 (熟义:一堆,大量)   
the masses are true makers of history.群众才是真正的历史创造者。
295.match n.和……相比的人,对手 vt.匹配,是……的对手(熟义:比赛,火柴)    
no one can match him in english.在英语方面谁也比不上他。
296.mean 有……意图,打算(熟义:意思是)     
i had meant to go on monday but have stayed on.我本来打算星期一走的但还是留下来了。
it's mean of you to eat up all the apples.adj.自私的,卑鄙的,吝啬的
297. by no means完全不(勿望文生义)     
he is by no means stupid.他绝不笨。
298. measure n.措施(可数) (熟义:量……的尺寸)     
what measures were taken to prevent fires?预防火灾采取了什么措施?
299. meet v.满足(要求),符合(要求),应付(熟义:碰头,迎接)     
i could not meet the bills this month.这个月我入不敷出。
300. message 熟义:n. 信息,口信
i'd like to see a film with a message. n.教益;寓意
301. might 熟义:或许
i sue all my might to open the door. n.力量,权威
302. mind v.当心,注意{熟义:介意;心(思)}
mind your head!当心!不要碰着头了。
303. minute 熟义:n. 分钟
they held a minute inspection of the grounds. adj.微小的,详细的,仔细而准确的。
please read through the minutes first. n.会议记录
304. mix 熟义:vt 混合
he mixes very little with his wife's friends. vt.交往,来往
305. monitor  n. v.监控(器),(电脑)显示器(熟义:班长)   
the police had monitored all of his phone calls.警察暗中监听了他打的所有电话。
306. no more...than... 比……更不,非常不(勿望文生义)
he is no more fit to be a minister than a schoolboy would be.他根本不适合当部长,连小学生都不如。
307. move  v.使感动;提议(熟义:移动)
even father was deeply moved.连父亲都感动了。
i move that we accept the proposal.我提议我们接受这个建议。
308.multiply 熟义:v . 乘;繁殖
we can multiply our chances of success. v. 成倍增加;迅速增加
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